Author: Afro-Awesome Guest contributor

All Yours

Sex, Relationships & Love

All Yours

By Kare Kibaara Round One You're there, across the room undressing me with your eyes. I can feel…

Erotic Series: Exposed

Sex, Relationships & Love

Erotic Series: Exposed

Beryl Opiyo I feel her eyes on me, staring, gauging, taking me in. I look at her through…

Hiding in a second closet: Silences around abuse in queer relationships

Politics & Lifestyle

Hiding in a second closet: Silences around abuse in queer relationships

In the queer community the idea is that everything is fine — we are loving and sexing, and…

Erotic Series: Once Upon A Text

Sex, Relationships & Love

Erotic Series: Once Upon A Text

By Urban Shaman Me: Hey, I was thinking about you today.  Crush: Aww, you're sweet! Me: No, actually…

QUEERING LOVE PART II: Love in the time of patriarchy

Sex, Relationships & Love

QUEERING LOVE PART II: Love in the time of patriarchy

By Bel South Fight the patriarchy! (In your own home) Fighting the patriarchy, the straight-thinking upward mobility-obsessed power-hungry…

QUEERING LOVE PART I: Introduction and Part I

Sex, Relationships & Love

QUEERING LOVE PART I: Introduction and Part I

By Bel South Introduction When the HOLAAfrica! team put out a call for stories about queer love it…

Erotic Series: A Ritual

Sex, Relationships & Love

Erotic Series: A Ritual

By Lady Lighthouse It’s become a ritual.  Sort of.  Always at her house.  Always a delicious meal, sometimes…

13 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Entering A Relationship

Sex, Relationships & Love

13 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Entering A Relationship

Many of us feel the “need” to be in a relationship in order to keep our sanity. For…

Coming into my queerness: A tale of Arabic pop songs, sleeping naked, and firsts

Sex, Relationships & Love

Coming into my queerness: A tale of Arabic pop songs, sleeping naked, and firsts

By Jaha I was ten when we got our first satellite dish. As those were heavily sanctioned by…

Why Your Relationship Isn’t Over Just Because You Stopped Having Sex

Sex, Relationships & Love

Why Your Relationship Isn’t Over Just Because You Stopped Having Sex

Our sex lives are weird. It often comes in waves – usually no sex at the beginning of…