Tag: #QueeringTheCloak

HOLAA! in 2017: A walk down memory lane


HOLAA! in 2017: A walk down memory lane

This year has been absolutely wild for us and we have had the honour of doing so  many…

#MeToo and Playing the Rape Culture Game

Politics & Lifestyle

#MeToo and Playing the Rape Culture Game

I have always thought of myself as a relatively decent person. I don’t litter. I don’t kick puppies.…

She calls me Little Girl

Love & Relationships

She calls me Little Girl

By Gateru Me, 230 pounds, 5.9 feet, dark as midnight, hoarse voice, wide nose, nervous eyes, heavy chest and…

نايار أفريكا: أسباب هامة للحديث عن اغتصاب المثليات للمثليات (Why we need to speak about lesbian rape)

Politics & Lifestyle

نايار أفريكا: أسباب هامة للحديث عن اغتصاب المثليات للمثليات (Why we need to speak about lesbian rape)

Read the English version here. ترجمتها إلى العربية خلود بيدق أين الخط الفاصل؟ ماذا يحدث عندما تقول هي…

كيف ندعم الأشخاص في العلاقات المسيئة: (How to support someone in an abusive relationship)

Politics & Lifestyle

كيف ندعم الأشخاص في العلاقات المسيئة: (How to support someone in an abusive relationship)

Read the English version here. بعضنا تعرض لهذا الموقف من قبل إما أن نكون في علاقات مسيئة أو…

Sur l’importance de parler du viol au sein des communautés lesbiennes

Politics & Lifestyle

Sur l’importance de parler du viol au sein des communautés lesbiennes

Par Nyar Afrika Serait-ce la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase ? Que feriez-vous si elle disait non ?…

My Love (I am walking away)

Love & Relationships

My Love (I am walking away)

By Siya  My love I have been through hell. Sometimes I thought I would never make it. You…

Que faire lorsque que votre bourreau vous manque ?

Afro Sexual Wisdom

Que faire lorsque que votre bourreau vous manque ?

Par Mathoko  For the English version click here La première fois que j’ai avoué à quelqu’un que la…

Look that monster dead in the face: tackling domestic violence in lesbian relationships

Love & Relationships

Look that monster dead in the face: tackling domestic violence in lesbian relationships

Domestic violence is the global boogie man under the bed. We know it exists but we are too…

Beneath The Bruises

Politics & Lifestyle

Beneath The Bruises

Beneath the bruises is a woman healing Discovering herself Finding a voice. Letting go of her fears Being…