Category: Sex

Dildo Dynamix: Answering the lesbian and penetration question


Dildo Dynamix: Answering the lesbian and penetration question

By Annonymous I recall packing for a trip when my heterosexual male friend reminded me, jokingly, to pack…

Sex and depression: How mental health can affect intimacy


Sex and depression: How mental health can affect intimacy

By Thabile Depression affects all aspects of one’s life and this includes the sexuals, namely our sex lives…

Sexual obesity in the tech age


Sexual obesity in the tech age

By Kagure Mugo The first time I heard about Tinder, I was floored. I had so many questions,…

Why we may need to discuss the ‘reverse cowgirl’ with parents


Why we may need to discuss the ‘reverse cowgirl’ with parents

By Kagure Mugo I remember the first time my mother spoke to me about sex. She vaguely explained…




By Cisi Eze I C E, Nigeria “MAY I KISS YOU?” She rushed those words out in one…

Fighting the Myth of Lesbian Bed Death


Fighting the Myth of Lesbian Bed Death

Lesbian bed death- (n.) when sexual relations between a lesbian couple have virtually ceased, yet the companionship remains.…

I am not a madam: On asking to hook you up with a woman for the weekend


I am not a madam: On asking to hook you up with a woman for the weekend

By Anon I have felt compelled to write this after I have heard the phrase ‘when I visit…

Make way for Lickster, the cunnilingus training app that will change your head game


Make way for Lickster, the cunnilingus training app that will change your head game

‘Like it or not, your dick will never compare to a good lick.’ This is the tag line…

No doubt, Africans are about that sex toy life.


No doubt, Africans are about that sex toy life.

Sex toys. Asking about them in polite society usually causes raised eyebrows and mumbles about their inappropriateness, but…

She leans, against me


She leans, against me

By Akati Khasiani She leans. On the balcony railing she is a dark silhouette against a starless sky.…