Love & Relationships

The Heart’s Letter

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On Jul 2, 2019

By Mamello

from my heart I wrote you this letter

from this letter I wrote you my heart

say you love me, love

you and I are all tumescence

scented roses

echoing chambers

the heartbeat of the violin in a mournful melody

say you love me, love

you and I are soaring birds


breathing and floating through air

as light as if we were the air itself

tell me love, that you feel as light as I do in this music

say you love me, love

hear the music in my voice

in the quickening of my heart

the shortness of my breath

as reality blurs and I am nothing

but foggy air in your presence

see me revel in this lightness

I am soaring love


surely this is what it feels like to be free

this intensity

over and over again

this melting of my core, this vapour

evanescence really

surely we are in love

why do we sound like love,

and smell of heady passion?

it is almost as intoxicating as it is panacea

say you love me love

as you can hear in my words

I am



lost in your essence.

Make sure you check out Afroist Blog and also Mamello on Instagram @theafroistblog

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