Tag: #QueeringTheCloak

Let It Rain: Pink Stains On White Kitchen Tiles

Blog,Politics & Lifestyle

Let It Rain: Pink Stains On White Kitchen Tiles

[Trigger and content warning for intimate partner violence in the form of gaslighting, prolonged infidelity and corporeal violence.]…

‘Dom or a sub’: Let’s unpack all power struggles shall we?

Blog,Love & Relationships

‘Dom or a sub’: Let’s unpack all power struggles shall we?

*Trigger warning: emotional abuse Queer sexual relationships have seemingly been divided into two broad and equally parallel spectrums:…

Let It Rain: Crushed Tea – Leaves in My Water

Blog,Love & Relationships,Politics & Lifestyle

Let It Rain: Crushed Tea – Leaves in My Water

[Disclaimers: this story is not an endorsement of manipulative, abusive or dysfunctional behaviour. Suicide ideation disproportionately affects people…

Listen: How To Support Someone You Care About Who Is In An Abusive Relationship (Podcast)

Podcasts & Video

Listen: How To Support Someone You Care About Who Is In An Abusive Relationship (Podcast)

A few of us have been here before, either in abusive relationships or as friends bearing witness to…

ماذا يحدث عندما تفتقدين من أساءت إليكي؟ (What happens when you miss your abuser)

Afro Sexual Wisdom

ماذا يحدث عندما تفتقدين من أساءت إليكي؟ (What happens when you miss your abuser)

For the English version click here. أول مرة تحدثت فيها لشخص وقلت إنني أفتقد شخصا ضللني ،سقط بي…

A Story of a Fuck Off Fund

Politics & Lifestyle

A Story of a Fuck Off Fund

You’re telling your own story: You graduated college and you’re a grown-ass woman now. Tina Fey is your…

في ظل غياب المساءلة (In the absence of accountability)

Afro Sexual Wisdom

في ظل غياب المساءلة (In the absence of accountability)

For the English please click here. Translation by Sahrwardy لقد اعتقدت أن العلاقات التي تربطنا كانت أكثر من صداقة،…

Cheeky Natives reviews: If I Stay Right Here by Chwayita Ngamlana

Podcasts & Video

Cheeky Natives reviews: If I Stay Right Here by Chwayita Ngamlana

Toni Morrison says "If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written…


Love & Relationships


By Chediac Higashi Mnemophobia: The fear of memories Alice swam out of sleep. That’s what it felt like when she…

Your abuser is a woke radical feminist? What next?

Politics & Lifestyle

Your abuser is a woke radical feminist? What next?

What happens when your abuser is female, woke, queer and a radical feminist cum human rights activist who…