Love & Relationships

Shani: Moving on and moving in

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On Jul 28, 2017

By Anonymous Kenyan

Tuesday 23rd August

I was having a breakfast with aunt Wacuka and Tamara. My two large suitcases were at the door and Shani would be picking me up in about half an hour. I was in a pretty good mood and my aunt could tell.

Aunt Wacuka was still inquiring about this friend I was going to stay with. She even called my mother (her elder sister) to confirm whether she knew her. My mother had met Shani 4 years ago and knew her well. When my parents lived in the city, Shani was at the house a lot so my family had gotten to know her quite a bit. My mother also knew how special Shani was to me, in fact, when I told her I would stay with her she was quite happy as she felt guilty that I was squeezing into Aunt Wacuka’s house.

Half an hour later, Shani was having tea and pancakes as she chatted away with Aunt Wacuka. Once we had finished, I thanked my aunt for her hospitality and bid her and Tamara goodbye, we packed my suitcases in Shani’s car and left. As she drove, she took my right hand in her left hand and placed it on her thigh.

As we entered the apartment complex, I reminded her of her old apartment, how we’d get high in it and play loud music. We had completely different tastes and so we would take turns playing songs we liked. We also reminisced over our ‘Netflix and chill’ dates where she would either fall asleep 20 minutes into the show, or we’d get distracted and fuck on her blue couch.

Her new apartment was fairly big and had three bedrooms, one of them she had converted into her office. She led me to the guest room where we put my suitcases. She had cleared the wardrobe but the bed wasn’t made. As if reading my mind, she resolutely told me that we would be sharing her bedroom. She took my hand and walked in the direction of the bedroom. Halfway down the corridor I stopped and as she turned towards me I leaned against the wall and pulled her towards me. Soon enough we were kissing. The kiss felt so intense, I could feel it’s impact in all my relevant sensory organs.

I had never thought being in her arms would feel this intense.

A couple of minutes later, we were on the corridor floor. I heard “fuck” come out of her mouth. She was on top of me, her hair falling on us. I was sweating and panting. I had let myself go and reached my orgasm while Shani was riding my fingers and squirting.

We eventually got off the floor. We ordered in, hang out in t-shirts all day and christened each room of her house. It was like we had gone back in time.

That night I slept cuddled up next to her. It had been a beautiful day!

For a little more erotica check out Heat within a HeadspaceTastes of a continent: When four women meet and Three women, a bottle and sunny place. There is also Reuniting with a lover and also do not forget the very sexy Hey You about meeting a stranger. 

There is also Summer Dungeon Nights and even some poetry: ‘I want Sex’ and Joy. There is also a piece about period sex (sex on your period, just in case you wondered).

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