Afro Sexual Wisdom

#QueeringTheCloak: Twitter Conversation

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On Sep 23, 2017

We had an online conversation about abuse including sexual, emotional and physical abuse. The idea was to have an array of people speaking about abuse in queer corners and essential lift the ‘cloak of silence covering it’. We invited people and organisations from around the continent to tweet about this topic, and share knowledge, experiences and insight whilst also taking away the shame and silence that comes with the topic. We would like to thank everyone who was brave enough to engage with the topic, and even those who couldn’t.

With over 800 posts and 119 users tweeting about this the #QueeringTheCloak hashtag managed to get over 2 million impressions in various countries. Thank you for everyone who managed to come through for the conversation.

Here are some of the tweets.

Here is a storify of the conversation:


This was part of our #QueeringTheCloak series.

For all the articles and pieces on #QueeringTheCloak click here. Also an article on 11 Signs You Are being Gaslight in a relationship and another 10 things the author learned from someone using gaslighting as an abuse tactic. Here is an article about missing your abuserFor more on supporting people here is a piece on supporting someone in abusive relationship and also a piece where the woman says At least she didn’t hit me”.