Posted By Afro-Awesome Guest contributor
On Apr 11, 2017
We got to go to Francistown, Botswana to do a workshop with LEGABIBO! In this small Southern African town we gathered queer women and discussed safe sex and pleasure in all its forms. From consent to sex toys to positions to STDs, the space sought to bust myths, to engage with each others ideas of sex and also create and continue a conversation.
We based the whole thing on this manual (download it here and the french version here) and this workbook (download it here). Feel free to use both within your public and private spaces. They are so fun and funky to use and totally FREE!
Just to put out there that we arrive in Botswana today for those in that part of the world. Working with @legabiboadvo on #PleaseHerBots
— AfroFem Hub (@HOLAAfrica) March 28, 2017
HOLAA Loves: #PleaseHer Safe Sex and Pleasure workshop with LEGABIBO – @legabiboadvo
— AfroFem Hub (@HOLAAfrica) April 11, 2017
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We have also been to Namibia and Johburg with #PleaseHer. Also check out when we were taught about kink and safe sex by incredible women in Johburg.