Posted By Afro-Awesome Guest contributor
On Feb 4, 2019
By Khauhelo ‘Mile
Say this is the last time we meet in the night and from tomorrow I’ll be able to love you freely.
Say this is the last time we meet in the night and from tomorrow I’ll be able to love you fully. I can’t seem to forget my past lovers and they seem to come across when we conversate,so let me try us from a different angle.
Let me hush the noises in my head and allow our space to just be me and you…me and you..somewhere where it’s no longer about mispoken words and me where your soul is mine and mine is yours. Meet me somewhere where it isn’t half way anymore. Where I’m at my most vulnerable and willing to shed myself for you; meet me there.
There in the essence of love,lust,love,lost, meet me under a sheet so thick we forget the world around us exists,meet me in your type of paradise. show me what I’ve been missing. Show me the true colours of your pain,paint me with different shades of it,tonight; my body is your canvas,show me portraits of a heaven I’ve never known. Meet me where it’s just us,woman to woman like the world has never seen a Madame and Eve before,
I don’t care.
Get in and out of me; above and under; beneath and beyond my thoughts; for you.
You, for me.
Yes….that love I’ve been longing for,
Show me where my carcass goes after harsh days..where my soul refills in the fountain of your me where woman to woman madness begins..where it travels, where it trickles down your body…
Your body,show me where it begins, where it ends,where it lacks…and right there, right there…
meet me there.
Check the author out on Twitter at @sotho_space
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