Love & Relationships

For Kofee, with love, Karamel

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On Sep 15, 2017

By Karamel

The itch to tap the blue icon gets stronger  by the minute.

its the only way to know what she is thinking.

Her tweets have been laced with cryptic messages – so darn confusing.

Is it me she speaks of? Or another?

Was it vanity making my fingers twitchy?

Or the urge to connect without connecting?

I am addicted.

I tell myself that I will stop.

Just one more look.

One little peek at what she says.

” Have I ever asked for much? The only thing that I want is your love”

Is that for me? I wonder.

30 minutes have gone by,

I keep scrolling, trying to get as much as i can of her.

That beautiful mind.

I  am enthralled by it all.

22,000 tweets and counting.

A blue screen.

140 characters.

For more poetry click here

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