Author: HOLAA

Hostile response to #ForBlackGirlsOnly shows why we need it

Afro Sexual Wisdom

Hostile response to #ForBlackGirlsOnly shows why we need it

By Kagure Mugo With all the racial tension brewing over the past few months it’s no surprise that an…

HOLAA Loves: Zanele Muholi’s Somnyama Ngonyama Exhibit


HOLAA Loves: Zanele Muholi’s Somnyama Ngonyama Exhibit

We decided to get some art and culture in our lives and went to the Zanele Muholi (@MuholiZanele)…

Call For Submissions

Afro Sexual Wisdom,Love & Relationships

Call For Submissions

HOLAA wants submissions! We want to share the voices and ideas of African women! You can send: Diary…

HOLAA Loves: Kenya Golden Cam Girl

Afro Sexual Wisdom

HOLAA Loves: Kenya Golden Cam Girl

What is the cam girl industry? Tell us more about what you do Kenya Golden: Webcam modeling is…

#MentallyMindful- Our live tweet on mental health and depression

Politics & Lifestyle

#MentallyMindful- Our live tweet on mental health and depression

This is our storify on mental health. for other storifies check out our page there. [View the story…

Twitterchat: #SexingWhilstFeminist (Storify)

Afro Sexual Wisdom

Twitterchat: #SexingWhilstFeminist (Storify)

Adventures (@adventurefrom) asked women to share their thoughts on what it meant for them to engage in #SexingWhilstFeminist and…

HOLAA Loves: Twitterview for Feather Awards 2015


HOLAA Loves: Twitterview for Feather Awards 2015

This year, we were nominated within the media category for this South African award! Happy, grateful and feeling…

#MakeItVibrate: Chatting on Vibrators


#MakeItVibrate: Chatting on Vibrators

Here is the storify for when we chatted about sex toys. Make sure you check out the other…

Queer Africa II: Call For Submissions

Politics & Lifestyle

Queer Africa II: Call For Submissions

Following the international success of Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction, MaThoko’s Books is delighted to announce a…

HOLAA Loves: Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera, The Founding Mother of the LGBTIQ Ugandan scene

Afro Sexual Wisdom

HOLAA Loves: Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera, The Founding Mother of the LGBTIQ Ugandan scene

Here we have an interview by the amazing long time LGBTI activist, editor of Bombastic Magazine, co-founder of…

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