Love & Relationships

A letter of thanks to my soul mate

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On Mar 3, 2018

By Essy

This poem is dedicated to my soul mate:

Thank you!
Thank you for being you!
Thank you for seeing more in me, without you I could never have learnt to love myself,
Thank you for the hard stance you took;
Thank you for telling me NO!
Thank you!

Thank you, because without you I could have been breaking women’s hearts without care;
Thank you for being patient with me,
Thank you for coming in to my life;
Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone to talk to,
Thank you!

Thank you for loving me,
Thank you for caring,
Thank you for letting me know that I meant the world to you!
Thank you for the love and the laughter we shared
Thank you for bringing me into your family, even though I was undeserving,
Thank you!

Thank you for being the sexiest woman I have ever met,
Thank you for being the most intelligent woman I have ever met,
Thank you for the goddess that you are
Thank you for being smart,
Thank you!

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you, and
Thank you to the woman that you are!

for more poetry click here

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