Love & Relationships

The Last Call

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On Dec 26, 2014

By Mapula S. Lehong

Its repetition, repetition of the same song

The loud gong of words gone wrong

Echoes of pain in that last call.


I love you, I love you…I hate that I love you…

I hate that I keep calling


While thoughts juggle anger and frustration

Our words bloody like the chaos of thoughts

Vodka reeking lips spilling and spitting out slurs

Screaming out my feelings morphed into pain.

My love was lust, this love was dust!

Fuck you betrayed our trust!

And you spit back a

Fuck  you too!

I hate you, I hate you!

I hate that I love you.


I cry my last tears to your deaf ears

I hold out my voice like a white flag

The air of silence breaks your response

I cock the last of my vengeance

With lies biting truths bloody pain rains

And when it rains, it pours

Soaks up my body like a brutal death

Rage in my voice, mind drunk with pain

I’m scathed by the sip of love

That now leaves me parched

You are a desert now


Your voice sounding stranger and less familiar

More strange than the breath of our last kiss

Our last I miss you, our last I love you.

My voice an ulcer into the pit of your stomach

Killing beauty of love; the beauty of memories.

You hang up…

I cry rivers to drown sorrows

You cut my chord without a thought

I cry rivers to drown the truth

While I repeat shameful stutters pleading with you

…I.. I.. I…  love you…I…I…I love you…don’t go

Please don’t leave me