Posted By HOLAA
On Jun 4, 2013
In sub-Saharan Africa, women constitute 58 percent of all people living with HIV and AIDS.
The Truth is if you aren’t infected with HIV/AIDS you are affected by it.
HOLAA! is asking you to share your experiences and observations about LGBTQI women and HIV/AIDS in Africa.
The rumour amongst Queer Women is that “all this HIV/Aids stuff” is for someone else.
Is this true? Do you feel you can get it? How does the pandemic affect you as a woman who sleeps with women?
This is anonymous. This is important. This is a women’s issue.
Your voice matters, so let us know.
For queries or submissions please e-mail us:
To send us things anonymously (no names, email, or anything) please click here
*All communications will be kept confidential, all identities will be withheld and your privacy will be respected. Even HOLAA will not know it is you should you submit through the anonymous route. Should you wish for your story to be published please indicate so in your submission.