Posted By HOLAA
On May 27, 2022
How should we all be having sex? Truth is none of us know, and all of us are just learning. Sex positivity is a framework that can help you understand and explore your sex life.
But what is it to be sex positive?
One webcomic says “It’s not about being into stuff that other people find wild and not being a prude”. Being sex positive can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people e.g. respect, consent joy, exploration.
So it breaks down what some of the criteria are:
The cartoonist sums it up when they say: “It means finding what’s right for you and being cool with other people doing what’s right for them.”
Everyday Feminism writer Suzannah Weiss says “sex-positive feminism is about, after all: helping people have the sex lives that work best for them.”
Sex positive feminism is also about consent, which means only engaging in activities that all parties involved are 100% sure they want to participate in.
In an article by The Frisky they break down some other key values of sex positivity:
Bustle rolled out a list of sex positivity myths (‘cause you know people believe all sorts of wild nonsense about other folx):
Check out the Basically…Life Podcast (on all platforms) and our YouTube series We Are F**kin Here for other vibes that show how queers are living, lovin’ and f*ckin.
For more info about all things gender and sexuality download our Touch Manual which has a bunch of info about dating, sexuality, gender, sex and much more!
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