Posted By HOLAA
On Jul 3, 2017
Deadline for Submissions: September 10, 2017
The African arts scene is surging! Artists on the continent and the diaspora, new and established, insiders and outsiders, are reinvigorating and extending Africa’s diverse visual practices with new languages, new images, and new media, creating expressive, authentic work that speaks in powerful and nuanced ways to the African experience.
It’s an exciting moment in African visual arts, and it is being shaped significantly by the Internet, which, among other things, is democratizing artistic practice and enabling African artists to connect and share in ways that were unimaginable only a few years ago.
For our next issue, Q-zine turns its focus on these new developments in African visual arts from a queer perspective. As the only digital magazine of African LGBTIA+ arts and culture, we are in a unique position to reflect on how the current explosion in African artistic creativity can illuminate the African queer experience.
For our 15th issue, we invite visual artists from Africa and the African diaspora to share work that speaks to or about the queer experience in the broadest sense of the term. We are interested in any work that explores questions of identity, community, belonging, authenticity, modernity, sexuality, gender, and difference.
We welcome work in photography, painting, drawing, video, digital art, or any other visual medium. Artists at all stages of their careers are encouraged to submit their work, but new and upcoming artists are especially encouraged.
Examples of what are we looking for:
Art: Each image should have a caption (max. 100 words) commenting on the work and each file should be linked to its caption. The location and date of photos should also be given. All images should be submitted as high-resolution TIFF or JPG files (at least 1,000 pixels on the long edge).
Photography, Fashion & Style: Photography, fashion, make-up, and hairstyle shoots can be in color or black and white. They should include the name of the designer, the models, the make-up artist, and photographer. Provide a short description of the work, the contact address of the artist (including Facebook page), website, boutique address, and prices of work featured. All images should be submitted as high-resolution TIFF or JPG files (at least 1,000 pixels on the long edge).
Profile and interviews of artists: Profiles and interviews may be of artists, performers, photographers, filmmakers, or anyone else involved in visual arts. Interviews should have a brief introduction with some critical commentary on the interviewee’s work and be edited to create a narrative flow; therefore, a simple question-answer format is not appropriate. Preferred length: 1,000 to 1,200 words.
Reviews of exhibitions, festivals, plays, films, web series, television, dance: Reviews can be retrospective or focus on current or soon-to-be released work. They can focus on a single work or review a related group of work. Preferred length: about 1,500 words.
Please send us your submissions in either English or French to For more information, please contact Mariam Armisen at
Deadline for submissions: September 10, 2017