Posted By HOLAA
On Jul 17, 2017
Uganda was where life was happening this time around! We managed to come together with FitClique and hold our safe sex and pleasure workshop in Kampala. There was hibiscus flavoured tea, art by Salooni ( a project about women African women loving their hair) and of course the work book and wild conversation. Fitclique co created the space by encompassing us all in a Feminist Utopia and also providing a self-defence demonstration and providing some incredible food. Really happy to have been able to launch the Please Her Manual and Work Book in this incredible space.
Here are some of the photos from the time.
We have also been to South Africa, Namibia and Botswana with #PleaseHer. Also check out when we were taught about kink and safe sex by incredible women in Johburg.
We based the whole thing on this manual (download it here and the french version here) and this workbook (download it here). Feel free to use both within your spaces. They are so fun and funky to use and totally FREE!
Here is the online snapshot of the conversation!