
#PleaseHerCFCS: A snap shot of our time at the Changing Faces Changing Spaces Conference

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On Jun 25, 2017

Here is a snap shot of the time we had in CFCS, Changing Faces Changing Spaces Conference (CFCS VI) is Africa’s largest convening of the continent’s LGBTI and sex worker movements. It was a vortex of moving parts but we loved it. We met some incredible people, attended the CAL LBT women’s pre-conference, facilitated the Afircan Queer Youth Initiative Youth Pre-conference, moderated a panel on media as advocacy and even held a #PleaseHerCFCS session at 9 am, and people actually showed up! We also helped someone start an erotic blog over after conference drinks because why not? 

Really appreciative to UHAI  for hosting us and allowing us into the space.

For other other storifies click here

We based the whole thing on this manual (download it here and the french version here) and this workbook (download it here). Feel free to use both within your spaces. They are so fun and funky to use and totally FREE!

We have also been to South Africa, Namibia and Botswana with #PleaseHer. Also check out when we were taught about kink and safe sex by incredible women in Johburg.