Posted By HOLAA
On Apr 3, 2017
We did the Ted X talk thing.
It was not easy. We thought we were going to waltz in chat about speaking about your sex and walk out. But nah. There was prep. There was memorising of speeches. There were workshops and speaker trainings. We thought we were going to just walk on stage and boss this but nah, we are awkward and skulker types and it was deep. In the rehearsal one of us (who shall remain nameless) messed up so hard she nearly fainted.
And this was the day before.
Our coach did not look hopeful.
It was a tense moment to say the least. It was nerve wrecking. Did we mention that it was super scary? But at least you get the clicking thing to change the slides and the tiny face mic like you are some sort of epic motivational speaker.
Along the way we got to meet some incredible people including the three awesome women of Pap Culture, Dr Sindiwe Magona, Umlilo and Dr Imogen Wright some of the other awesome speakers at our talk.
We are so grateful that we got to be a part of the TEDxCapeTownWomen 2016 entitled Lixesha – It is Time doing our chitter chatter which was about taking a look at the history of why women need to speak about their sex.
So here is our talk- A History of Coochie Conversations.