Love & Relationships

HOLAA Loves: Beneath The Same Silence- A performance piece on intimate partner violence in a queer woman’s relationship

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On Sep 23, 2017

Can a woman really abuse another woman? Can’t you just…fight it out?

Intimate partner violence is not something many imagine happens in same-sex relationships but it does. Beneath the Same Silence explores this dark hidden realm by taking you on the emotional journey of a woman in an abusive relationship. The performance ‘queers the cloak’ of silence that covers this particular type of violence. as it takes the audience behind this veil and reveal the shame, pain, and isolation often felt. It formed part of the SexActually Festival by Drama For Life. The piece used video, hand made instruments and haunting silences to tell of the isolation, secrecy, violence and shame that comes with abuse in intimate spaces.

Performed by Siphumeze Khundayi
Music by Bongile Lecoge-Zulu
Video by Ndumiso Sibanda