
HOLAA Loves: A sneek peek at #PleaseHerNairobi (Storify)

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On Jul 1, 2017

During our travels to East Africa we have had the opportunity to be in some really funky spaces! This time around we partnered with NGHLRC’s Because Womxn Collective to hold a #PleaseHerNairobi session. By the end over 50 women showed up to chat safe sex, getting tested, consent, asking for the sex you want. For a few hours people in a space speaking about their sex and generally being wild and great. We also had a give aways thanks to GALA (the Queer Africa II anthology) and G Spot Kenya.

We even had someone slide in from Eldoret. Thank you to everyone who came through!

We based the whole thing on this manual (download it here and the french version here) and this workbook (download it here). Feel free to use both within your spaces. They are so fun and funky to use and totally FREE!

We have also been to Namibia and Botswana with #PleaseHer. Also check out when we were taught about kink and safe sex by incredible women in Johburg.